Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some Fine Tips From Another Who May Be Too XYZ?

I came across this post, and I wanted to share it with readers of this blog, because I think it sums up perfectly how to keep a positive outlook when one finds that life has not turned out in a way that society would call successful.

Read it here.

I have not met Maggie, though I left a comment on her Brazen Careerist page about this blog post.

I have been in a similar frustrating situation, but for several years longer. However, if I had been able to assert as positive an attitude as Maggie only two years out of college, I would perhaps be in a different place today. But what matters, I suppose, is that I have begun to reach more positive, constructive places in my life now.

All of the ideas she presents are good ones, and I have attempted each of them in some degree. As I have said to other bloggers in the recent past, however, the volunteering thing hasn't quite panned out for the good for me. I just haven't found a good organization yet. One that will appreciate me for what I do, and won't burn me. I will be posting about my views on volunteerism in another post in the near future.

Another thing that Maggie has going for her is a network within her community on which she can rely. One that she is continuing to build. One of my biggest weaknesses over the years has been a lack of a network. I know nobody in the town in which I live, and have no immediate prospects for meeting anyone. Too XYZ and all of that. But had I reached out as early and as often as Maggie had, I am once again sure I would be in a different place now.

I am not beating myself here. I did what I could. But she provides a prime example of the importance of local relationships both when things are bad, and as things improve. (More on that from me as time goes on as well.)

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